10 Funny Things Only Graphic Designers Will Understand

10 Funny Things Only Graphic Designers Will Understand

Being a graphic designer is not easy. You have to deal with clients, deadlines, feedback, and sometimes even your own creative block. But there are also some funny moments that only graphic designers can relate to. Here are 10 of them:

1. When you spend hours on a design and the client says “I don’t like it”

This is probably one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a graphic designer. You put your heart and soul into a design, and the client rejects it without giving any reason or suggestion. You feel like you wasted your time and energy, and you wonder what you did wrong. Sometimes, you even question your own skills and taste.

But don’t worry, you are not alone. Every graphic designer has faced this situation at least once in their career. The best thing you can do is to stay calm and professional, and ask the client for more specific feedback. Try to understand what they want and what they don’t like about your design. Maybe they have a different vision or expectation, or maybe they just need some minor tweaks. Don’t take it personally, and don’t give up. Remember, you are a creative problem solver, and you can always find a way to make your design better.

2. When you have to explain what you do to your family and friends

Another common challenge that graphic designers face is explaining what they do to their family and friends. Sometimes, they don’t even know what graphic design is, or they confuse it with other fields like web design, animation, or art. They may ask you questions like “So, you draw pictures for a living?” or “Can you make me a logo for free?” or “Can you fix my computer?” or “Can you Photoshop me to look thinner?”

It can be hard to explain what graphic design is and why it is important, especially to people who are not familiar with the industry. You may feel like they don’t appreciate or respect your work, or they don’t understand how much effort and skill it takes to create a good design. But don’t get frustrated, and don’t lose your patience. Try to educate them about what graphic design is, and how it affects their everyday life. Show them some examples of your work, and explain the process and the purpose behind it. Help them see the value and the beauty of graphic design, and maybe they will start to appreciate it more.

3. When you have to work with low-resolution images or fonts

One of the worst nightmares of a graphic designer is working with low-resolution images or fonts. You know how important it is to have high-quality and clear visuals, but sometimes you have to deal with clients or sources that don’t provide you with the best materials. You may receive images that are blurry, pixelated, distorted, or watermarked, or fonts that are outdated, illegible, or incompatible. You may try to improve them with some editing tools, but you know that it will never look as good as the original.

But don’t despair, there are some ways to deal with this problem. You can try to find alternative images or fonts that are similar or better than the ones you have. You can also try to convince the client or the source to provide you with higher-resolution or better-quality files, or to pay for them if they are not free. You can also try to be creative and use the low-resolution images or fonts as part of your design, and make them look intentional or artistic. Sometimes, you have to work with what you have, and make the best out of it.

4. When you have to deal with color issues

Another common problem that graphic designers face is dealing with color issues. You know how important it is to choose the right colors for your design, and how they can affect the mood, the message, and the perception of your work. But sometimes, you have to deal with color issues that are beyond your control. You may have to work with different color modes, such as RGB, CMYK, or Pantone, and make sure that your colors are consistent and accurate across different devices and platforms. You may also have to deal with color blindness, and make sure that your design is accessible and readable for everyone.

But don’t panic, there are some solutions to this problem. You can use some tools and resources that can help you with color management, such as color pickers, color converters, color palettes, or color contrast checkers. You can also use some guidelines and best practices that can help you with color selection, such as color theory, color psychology, or color trends. You can also test your design on different screens and printers, and make some adjustments if needed. You can also use some techniques and elements that can help you with color accessibility, such as color labels, icons, patterns, or shapes. You can also ask for feedback from other people, especially those who have color vision deficiencies, and see how they perceive your design.

5. When you have to work with too many or too few fonts

Another challenge that graphic designers face is working with too many or too few fonts. You know how important it is to choose the right fonts for your design, and how they can affect the style, the tone, and the readability of your work. But sometimes, you have to work with too many or too few fonts that are not suitable or appropriate for your design. You may have to work with clients or sources that have a specific or limited font selection, or that want to use too many or too few fonts in their design. You may also have to work with fonts that are boring, ugly, overused, or mismatched.

But don’t worry, there are some ways to overcome this problem. You can try to find alternative fonts that are similar or better than the ones you have. You can also try to convince the client or the source to expand or reduce their font selection, or to pay for them if they are not free. You can also try to be creative and use the fonts as part of your design, and make them look interesting or harmonious. Sometimes, you have to work with what you have, and make the best out of it.

6. When you have to work with unrealistic deadlines or budgets

One of the most stressful things that graphic designers have to deal with is working with unrealistic deadlines or budgets. You know how much time and money it takes to create a good design, but sometimes you have to work with clients or sources that don’t respect or understand that. You may have to work with deadlines that are too tight or too vague, or budgets that are too low or too inconsistent. You may feel like you have to rush or compromise your work, or that you are not paid or valued enough for your work.

But don’t give up, there are some ways to cope with this problem. You can try to negotiate with the client or the source, and explain to them why you need more time or money for your work. You can also try to set some boundaries and expectations, and communicate with them clearly and regularly. You can also try to prioritize and organize your work, and focus on the most important or urgent tasks. You can also try to find some support and resources, such as other graphic designers, online platforms, or freelance agencies, that can help you with your work or your career.

7. When you have to work with too much or too little feedback

Another difficulty that graphic designers have to face is working with too much or too little feedback. You know how valuable and helpful feedback is for your work, but sometimes you have to work with clients or sources that don’t provide you with the right amount or quality of feedback. You may have to work with feedback that is too much or too little, too positive or too negative, too vague or too specific, too early or too late, or too subjective or too objective. You may feel like you don’t know what to do with the feedback, or that you are not satisfied or appreciated for your work.

But don’t get discouraged, there are some ways to deal with this problem. You can try to ask for feedback that is more suitable or useful for your work. You can also try to give feedback that is more constructive and respectful for the client or the source. You can also try to filter and analyze the feedback, and take what is relevant and helpful, and ignore what is not. You can also try to learn and improve from the feedback, and see it as an opportunity to grow and develop as a graphic designer.

8. When you have to work with different styles or trends

Another challenge that graphic designers have to overcome is working with different styles or trends. You know how diverse and dynamic graphic design is, and how it can change and evolve over time. But sometimes you have to work with styles or trends that are not familiar or comfortable for you. You may have to work with clients or sources that have a different or specific style or trend preference, or that want to follow or avoid the latest or the most popular style or trend. You may also have to work with styles or trends that are outdated, inappropriate, or incompatible with your design.

But don’t be afraid, there are some ways to adapt to this problem. You can try to research and learn about different styles or trends, and see what they are, why they are, and how they are. You can also try to experiment and explore different styles or trends, and see what works and what doesn’t for your design. You can also try to balance and blend different styles or trends, and create your own unique and original style or trend. Sometimes, you have to work with what is new or different, and make the most out of it.

9. When you have to work with different software or tools

Another problem that graphic designers have to solve is working with different software or tools. You know how essential and helpful software or tools are for your work, and how they can enhance and facilitate your design process. But sometimes you have to work with software or tools that are not your preferred or familiar ones. You may have to work with clients or sources that use or require a different or specific software or tool, or that want to switch or update the software or tool. You may also have to work with software or tools that are outdated, incompatible, or buggy.

But don’t be intimidated, there are some ways to cope with this problem. You can try to learn and master different software or tools, and see what they can do and how they can do it. You can also try to compare and contrast different software or tools, and see what are their advantages and disadvantages, and what are their similarities and differences. You can also try to integrate and combine different software or tools, and create your own workflow and system. Sometimes, you have to work with what is available or necessary, and make the best out of it.

10. When you have to deal with your own creativity or inspiration

The last but not the least challenge that graphic designers have to face is dealing with their own creativity or inspiration. You know how important and rewarding creativity or inspiration is for your work, and how it can make your design stand out and shine. But sometimes you have to deal with creativity or inspiration issues that are within your control. You may have to deal with creative block, when you can’t come up with any new or original ideas, or creative burnout, when you feel exhausted or bored by your work. You may also have to deal with creative pressure, when you have to meet high or unrealistic expectations, or creative criticism, when you have to face harsh or unfair judgments.

But don’t lose hope, there are some ways to overcome this problem. You can try to find and nurture your creativity or inspiration, and see what sparks and motivates you. You can also try to explore and expand your creativity or inspiration, and see what challenges and inspires you. You can also try to protect and balance your creativity or inspiration, and see what relaxes and recharges you. Sometimes, you have to work with yourself, and make the most out of it.


These are some of the funny things that only graphic designers will understand. If you are a graphic designer, you may have experienced some or all of them, and you may have laughed or cried about them. If you are not a graphic designer, you may have learned something new or interesting about them, and you may have appreciated or respected them more. Graphic design is a fun and fascinating field, but it is also a hard and demanding one. Graphic designers have to deal with many challenges and problems, but they also have many skills and solutions. Graphic designers are creative and resilient, and they can always find a way to make their design work.